I think it did! Aren't they cute!!
It was so peaceful this morning without the kid (he he) being up that I quickly finished up bootie #1 and started on #2! 47 minutes later.... yeah... okay it's just a little over two hours!! Anyway... I finished bootie #2. That's just the knitting part! It only takes a little while to sew up the bottom & back seam so I didn't include that time, but it probably only took another 10 minutes max. So.. that's like 105.5 - hey! That's even less than 2 hours, but.. I think I'll stick to the 2 hours ~just in case I added wrong or counted wrong. I also didn't count the time it took to string the ribbon through the eyelets either...
Mo's Mommy's baby shower is tomorrow so I finished all this stuff just in time! What a lucky little man Mo is... he gets a little blanket, a hat and booties all too match! Stylin' lucky man! Now all he's gotta do is hurry up & get here!!
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