*Fair warning... Sock Bug may be contagious!!*
It seems that socks, socks and more socks are on my needles AND poking out of corners in the couch! I think right now I have at least 3 pair on the needles and getting ready to start another. Yikes! And to think... *yes CS this one is totally for you*... I used to think that making socks was well... kinda dumb. Maybe it still is, but I suddenly have this mad obsession with them and I like doing it. My current obsession is getting blamed on my favorite Aunt Gaily. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. True story. She made me sit down last year and make a pair for Big. Made me. Gee thanks Aunt G. Now I'm stuck!
It became fun when I could do it all by myself (without running crying to Aunt G that I was stuck!) AND then even more fun when I realized that I don't have to follow the pattern. **this may not be a good thing because if I have the pattern memorized it might mean I've been doing it too much** Sigh..
Either way... I like socks. I do. I like knitting socks BUT only two-at-a-time! I like the toe-up method the best too because it means I get to fit the socks to the feet I'm knitting them for and the toes feel really nice when I'm all done. I don't mind the Kitchener stitch toe, I just like this one better.
I've even been stretching myself a bit and (insert loud gasp!!) NOT sticking with the same pattern... (more gasping!) trying something new!! I made this pair last month for Big as part of a test knit over on Ravelry and guess what... I think I will make them again! They only took a week!
Big must be digging this new obsession because he seems to be the recipient of most of these socks! *It' been easier to find 'guy' colors of yarn too so that really helps! He's gotten three new pair in just the last few weeks!
Boyo is getting his second pair ~ hopefully I will finish them today! Just a few more inches, some ribbing and wa-la! Striped socks for the kiddo! Don't you love the bright rainbow color he picked out from Knitpicks? It's 'Cartoon' in Stroll hand painted fingering yarn.

oh phew. That's not so bad is it! Not so much of an obsession after all!! Any way you look at it.... my family and their feet certainly are happy with my latest craze!