Friday, November 4, 2011

KAL - Day 4 Time for Sleeves

 This is front facing - I'm about halfway done with one sleeve 
So you've knitted the body........ all in one piece! Wasn't that cool!?   I bet you were wondering what you were going to do with those stitches that you placed on holders..... on each side? Remember those? Yep! Now we get to work on those! Those are the sleeves!

Pick a sleeve... any sleeve and slip those stitches on the holder, off onto two size 7 dpn's.

See the bottom row there? The bottom of the triangle? That's where you need to pick up stitches!
I usually divide it into half & place half on each dpn, but it doesn't really matter because you are now going to pick up 10 sts in the underarm with another dpn and a new ball of yarn and adjust it around later. *My size needs 10sts to be picked up*
 It's a little fiddly and difficult to see here, but just insert the tip of a new dpn into a stitch and loop your new yarn over the needle & pull through. Make sure you leave a tail! At least 6 inches!!
Wa-la! You just picked up a stitch!
Place a marker after #5 of the stitches you are picking up! This is your marker that ends (or begins) your rounds!
Finish picking up your stitches and then knit a row - all the way around to your marker. Now just adjust your stitches on your dpns to evenly space them out! It's a lot easier to have even amounts on each needle! Now.... just follow your directions and knit your sleeves!
I always try and start picking up stitches as close as to the point where the underarm meets the row where I decreased; it seems to help make my holes smaller.  There will be some little holes there and you just take your tail yarn & as you are threading it around to sew it in- just neatly sew up those holes! That's why I leave a tail!

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