Loosely translated into English, the word mobile (mo-bee-lay) means fickle. As in can't make up your mind or changing your mind frequently. Sounds a bit like me when it comes to finally choosing a project and even more so when picking a yarn!
I think it sounds a lot better to say mobile (especially with a pretend Italian accent!) than... Oh.. I can't make up my mind! I'm mobile.
Or.... how about this....
I frequently vacillate between several projects but when it comes to yarn..... I can't pick!!
To vacillate means to waver. To waver in mind, will or feeling. It also can mean to hesitate in choice of opinion or courses! Pretty much what happens every time it's time to pick a yarn!
Which is exactly what happened when I started making a birthday present dress for my little friend Butter! I had the yarn all picked out, knitted a gauge swatch and was off and running (err knitting!) UNTIL I found this stuff......
It's 100% recycled fiber! Woot! Which totally encourages me to buy more yarn... lol it also makes me feel better about the planet!
It's Berroco Remix, made in France and it's soft! It's lovely and it's knitting up like a dream!! Like I said it's 100% recycled nylon, acrylic(unfortunately), silk and linen fibers! Did I say it's dreamy?? Yes. Yes it is! I love the texture, the softness and how it knits up. Might just be a contender for the favorite product of the week!!

It's got kind of a denim quality, you can't really tell by the picture but there is some white flecks in it and when I looked at the blue (same yarn) in the store, the blue totally reminded me of a pair of jeans. I should have gotten some of that too.... but.... I love this pink-red and with Butter's coloring... the picture of her adorable self in this color was enough to stop my vacillating and pick this yarn!!
This is what the Remix is going to become! I'm not sure if I'm going to add a different color.... maybe a little trim around the bottom, but so far the entire dress is being made out of the Remix... I may have to give it to her before her birthday! Uhoh.... more mobile!?
It's awesome cause it's FRENCH!!