Wow. I really didn't think that I would continue to be busy during the winter months. Especially didn't believe that I would get more busy. What is it with January anyway? I want to just stay home & snuggle up with a mug of tea, a book and maybe (just maybe) some knitting. Think that's happened lately? Um... no. Not at all. I don't think I've even been home for more than 2 hours at a time- except for the time between Boy coming home from school and bedtime of course and that totally doesn't count!
Between appointments, volunteering at school and the USO I have no idea where my day goes, but it certainly does not go over (or anywhere near) my yarn stash! Not to mention that I haven't even blogged this week. For me... that's busy!
Lucky for me the weather this morning is not so nice! How lucky is that huh? I went for a walk this morning and didn't even have to work to make my heart rate increase! Every time I slipped and felt my feet try to slide out from underneath me... I'm sure my heart rate went way up!! Now that I have that out of the way for the day, I'm staying in!! Working on a few (too many) projects around here. NONE of which include that dreaded word.... housework!! That can wait! I am calling an Ice Day!!
I think I will stay in... the coffeepot is on, the coffee is ground and I have a billion tea bags for when that's empty! Woohoo!
So for now I'm finishing this......

It's a cabled (yes! I said cabled) soap cover. It needs to be sewn over a bar of soap, felted and then thrown into the shower! It will help make the bar of soap last longer and I can use all those itty, bitty pieces of soap that tend to get left in a pile...

I think I might even have time to finish this lacy knit cowl for me! Finally something for me! I bought some mill ends (the stuff that's left over after a skein of yarn has been made at the mill) from my favorite fiber mill when I was home in Michigan and have finally now gotten to the point where I'm almost finished~!
Stonehedge Fiber Mill is less than 2 miles from our house in Michigan so I always try to buy my fiber for spinning directly from them. Their yarn is available even here in Virginia!

I also need to finish this! A baby hat for "Mo". His baby shower is in two weeks and I had some yarn left over after his blanket so.. now I'm making a cabled (yep! dreaded cable word again!) hat!

AND tp tubes! Oh yay!! I have a project in mind for these babies... but without a lot of behinds using up the tp at our house I had to beg the neighbors for theirs. Which is pretty funny if you think about it!
LINK to what I'm trying to make!
So it's shaping up to be a great day in! Hope you have fun with yours!
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