What?! Who me? Yeah.
I'm sure I'll make up for it later.....
My mom & I did a small (verrrry) small yarn shop-hop while she was here this week. We were gone for about 7 hours and only made our way into 2 shops. It would have been more, but my GPS has this thing about taking the scenic route and an even bigger thing about roads that may or may not (ever) have been there. Sigh. Just meant I got to spend more time with my mom. In my car. Time. Yeah...
It was fun though. Really. Nobody was hurt.
I have a list of things to accomplish (must do's) and a list of things I want to try, but honestly... not much is getting done. Must be the thought of summer and being outside that is getting in my way.
We shall see...
My goal for next week is to at least get something on needles ~maybe finish those fingerless mitts?
I might even make another Wallaby for a certain boy. Just because it's summer of course and I really want to make an entire sweater while sitting at the pool. Hm.... better rethink that one huh?
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