Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Socks

I was digging around in the closet, trying to purge a few things (he he he! What Big doesn't know won't hurt him right?) and I found these.   The first (and only) pair of socks I made for Big!   I made these socks for him almost 3 years ago..... guess he loved them huh?  See the heels & toes.... yep those are holes.  B I G holes.  I don't even think darning would save these poor ol' socks....
Big wore these all the time, but  I'm not quite sure how I managed to not notice that his toes and his heels were sticking out.  Maybe I was just happy that he obviously loved them because I made them and was able to ignore the white heels & toes?   Beats me... but I don't think there is any saving these.

See that big hole?   Both socks are in rough shape so I guess it's time for new socks. 

Did I tell you how much I don't like to make socks? Yeah.... that whole pair thing gets me every stinkin' time!
Anyway... seeing how much he obviously loved these socks I decided to make another pair (ugh.. that means 2 doesn't it) for Big!  Our anniversary is in 2 weeks so I'm trying to get them done before that... and hopefully he will be back by then to wear these!!  So happy anniversary and warm toes to Big!! Let's hope I get them done... yes! I said T H E M!
Sock #1!!  Heel flap and heel are done... getting ready to turn the heel and start on the instep!  I was worried that I wouldn't have enough yarn so I made them super short! Bootee socks?!!  I've had this yarn in my stash for who knows how long!! It's a worsted weight, washable - probably acrylic something or other!  The pattern is from

Eye of Partridge Heel - slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch on right side rows and then slip 1st stitch and purl across on wrong side rows. Supposed to make it so it wears a little better! Hope so!! These should wear at least as long as the other pair... the worsted weight is heavier than the sock yarn for one thing!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I CAN Crochet!

can crochet! I really can!! See??? I didn't think about taking pictures of the process... so you'll just have to believe me that I did crochet this all by myself! ALL By Myself!! *I tend to crochet better IF I don't have a pattern to follow and I just make it up as I go... and felting it?!! What a life saver!! LOL This way nobody can ever tell that my half double crotchet's might actually be doubles, or triples... or ...

Boy Wonder needed a case for his tuner and guitar picks!! So I picked up an H hook and some Lion Brand Wool and went to town!
Now it just needs a button hole & of course a button!
Who says you can't felt in a front loader? LOL ! You just have to be careful when you open the door!
I crocheted this using some leftover wool (I think I crocheted & felted a Nook holder for Big) and an H crochet hook. I just made a simple little purse like thing that was about 2 times bigger than the tuner. I did half-double crochets into the initial chain and just kept going around and around in sort of a tube. Or at least I think I made half doubles... When I thought I had enough of a pocket made, I just went back and forth on one of the sides to make the flap. Threw the whole thing into the washer on sanitize (super mega hot!) and let it go for a little while! I kept pausing the washer so I could check on it and when I thought it had shrunk enough, I pulled it out!!
I think it's great and Boy is pretty happy with it too. He's planning on spending some time with the bucket o' buttons later on today to find just the right one!